Episode 21

Published on:

5th Jul 2023

How is Poor Employee Engagement Killing Your Ability to Recruit Talent?


Small HR teams face challenges in scaling up and accelerating the growth of their organizations due to bandwidth issues. Poor employee engagement further exacerbates these issues, making recruitment more difficult. A disengaged workforce negatively impacts an organization's brand reputation in the marketplace and reduces the volume of employee referrals, which are crucial for recruitment. Top talent is also less likely to be attracted to an organization with poor employee engagement, as disengagement is noticeable throughout the interview process. Additionally, a lack of engagement from managers and employees can lead to fewer influencers in the interview process, making it harder to move talent through quickly. Solving the issue of employee engagement is crucial for small HR teams to attract and hire top talent, as it frees up bandwidth and allows for a more focused approach to the broader enterprise. Overall, creating an engaged workforce is foundational to becoming an elite organization.



Introduction to challenges faced by small HR teams


Poor employee engagement affects brand reputation in the marketplace


Poor employee engagement leads to low employee referral volume


Poor employee engagement affects talent attraction and interview process


Negative impact of poor employee engagement on bandwidth and recruitment efforts

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Dr. Jim: [:

And that in and of itself creates a bunch of bandwidth issues. Now, if that wasn't challenging enough, You're probably facing some significant challenges on the recruitment front as a result of some of these problems that are impacting your overall employee engagement.

And here's what I mean by that. So when you're in a recruiting environment, and especially if you're a part of a small HR team, You already have a lot on your plate, and then you're responsible for hiring across your entire organization, and that's on top of everything else that you have on your plate.

One of the ways that a poor [:

That's gonna show up in the marketplace in a number of different ways. Another way that. Poor employee engagement impacts your ability to ref recruit has to do with the volume of employee referrals that you get. Now, employee referrals tend to be one of the key elements of an overall recruitment strategy, and typically employee referrals tend to get hired at a faster rate and have better e employment outcomes than.

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And that's gonna show up in, in who makes up the interview panel, who's involved in the process. And if you don't have Excitement from the team that carries into the interview setting that's gonna have an impact on your ability to attract top talent within your workforce.

ve, you need to have a slate [:

Influencers in the interview process that are gonna be participating. What if a lot of the people that you ask don't want to participate in the interview process because they're just only focused on executing their job and don't really want to color outside those lines because they're not really deeply tied in to the mission, vision, values of your organization.

That is an engagement issue. That Stealthily shows up in your recruitment effort and your ability to not only move that talent through the process, but move talent through the process quickly before they go off market. So there's probably a lot of other things that show up that get in the way of small HR teams being able to recruit effectively, but, I'd be curious to see some of the things that you've encountered.

ire talent. And that's gonna [:

You're focused on recruitment and getting people through it and probably doing a lot of the lift yourself. That makes it especially critical for you to solve the issue of employee engagement. Because that's one of the foundational aspects that need to be taken care of. So hopefully this was helpful in helping you get some insight into some of the ways that poor employee engagement can show up in your recruitment efforts.

Solving these things is gonna help you create an organization where your managers are empowered, your employees are engaged, and you're well on the way of becoming an elite organization. Let me know what you thought of it. If you have more questions, definitely reach out.

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About your hosts

CheeTung Leong

Profile picture for CheeTung Leong
I'm committed to helping people live their best lives through work.

I'm one of the co-founders of EngageRocket, an HRTech SaaS startup and we are focused on helping organizations build empowered managers, engaged employees, and elite teams.

I'm a big nerd when it comes to economics and psychology and regularly use data and tech to help folks live their best lives.

I've been recognized by Prestige Magazine as one of the top 40 under 40 business leaders and have been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Tech in Asia.

Jim Kanichirayil

Profile picture for Jim Kanichirayil
Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and co-host for The HR Impact Show. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.